Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Social Media Awareness - Are you using the right social media platform for your business?

There are so many social media platforms.  You don't have to be on all of them but you do have to be on the ones relevant to your business.

Asking yourself the following 12 questions can help you narrow down which platforms would be relevant to you, which social media platform they (customers/clients) would more likely spend their time - hence target your campaign to the right platform:

Image from http://images.reachsite.com/

  1. Who are your target audience (customers / clients)?
  2. What age group are they? 
  3. What do they do (job)? 
  4. What are their interests? (leisure activity, hobbies etc)
  5. Where do they hang out? (based on what you know from the above questions)
  6. What time do they mostly hang out there? (increase visibility)
  7. What problems do they have?
  8. Where would they go to find solutions to those problems?
  9. Where would they go to find information about you and your services e.g review sites, your website? 
  10. Where would they go contact, connect with you or ask you questions?
  11. Where are the different places and what are the different ways they can access your products and services?
  12. Where would you send them(links) to interact with and find more about your product or service,  e.g YouTube Video or to find out about your promotions and offers e.g. company Facebook page

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